Orgainc Cotton

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Organic Cotton is ‘cotton’ made without the use of fertilizers, pesticides or any synthetic chemicals. Cotton makes up for 50 percent of the worlds requirement of fibre. But, majority of this yield is grown with toxic chemicals. About 25 percent of the world’s insecticide and more than 10 percent of the world’s pesticide is used in cotton crops.

Organic cotton is cultivated in india , which are largest growers of it. Environmental hazards are reduced by growing and using organic cotton as it is devoid of pesticides. For consumers, it is a healthier product to use and is a great way to support the cause for the environment. Not only this, use of organic cotton helps save a lot of water. It also helps in not adding to the climate change. Although it may cost less to manufacture and buy inorganic cotton, the benefits of using organic cotton will pay off in the long run.

We at A Blue’s Clothing, support the production of organic cotton and its use in manufacturing textiles. We are the pioneer in the use of organic cotton in the apparel industry.